Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Summer Rewind Tag

I would like to say sorry to MorningTime4 who tagged me for Summer Rewind! I'm super late which's awful! Here we go despite the delay! 

1. Thank the person(s) who tagged you.
2. Post about five to eight things that you did over the summer or upcoming in your summer schedule!* Pictures are optional.
4. Answer the ten summer/fall questions given to you.
6. Tag 5 or more bloggers and tell them by commenting on their blog.
5. Ask ten new summer/fall related questions.
7. Share the banner above when you publish the post and credit the photo and the tag origin (
1: I spent many of my summer days lounging around in my grandpas pool!
2: My family watched movies out on our lawn, Made BBQ, and Gorged on S'mores for the 4th Of July.
3:I wrote my first ever novel! 
4: I took up Boxing!
5: I started teaching myself Guitar!

The Questions
1. When did you get out of school?
I think it was May 1st.
2. When are you heading back to school?
I headed back August 25th.
3. Name three songs on your summer playlist.
5 Seconds Of Summer She Looks So Perfect, Demi Lovato Really Don't Care, Christine Perri Bang Bang Bang.
4. Do you prefer beaches or swimming pools?
It kinda depends, if its a crystal clear beach I would choose that but if not a pool.
5. What's your favorite summer treat?
Chocolate Ice Cream.
6. Does your skin tan or burn?
I have really pale skin so it burns no matter what.
7. Name the summer activity you love, and the one you absolutely despise. ("Hate" is a strong word.)
This is really hard but it's a three way tie between sleeping till ten, staying up late, and swimming all day there's nothing I really don't like but I would have to say camping.
8. Something you discovered this summer?
I started listing to a lot of Arctic Monkey's but I didn't really discover anything. 
9. If you can, post a picture of your summer outfit. (If you don't have a camera, find an outfit via Pinterest).
Pretty much all I wore this Summer was a Paramore T Shirt, Basket Ball Shorts, and Red Converse.
10. Something you'll be missing from this summer?
Freedom from homework!

My Question.
1: What was your favorite summer movie?
2: Did you take a vacation anywhere?
3:Would you change anything about your summer?
4: What was on your summer reading list?
5: Any major differences in your life happen during summer?
6:What did you do during the very end of summer?
7:What's your favorite summer sport?
8: Do you have a favorite memory?
9: Did you go to camp?
10:Did you go anywhere exciting?
 I nomaite.
Elly from A GIRL
Celia from crazy.crazy.crazy.
Rebecca from The Silver Flute
Madeline from In The Wind
Maiya from Whispy and Willowy

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