Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Horror Of Growing Up

As humans we grow and reach new milestones, from crawling to learning to drive and we greet those important dates with the same feelings of excitement and accomplishment but there is a another feeling when these events do finally come. The emotion is sadness. Why sadness? We realize that we are growing, aging and losing that innocent of youth that we are born with. We all have to wake up and smell the roses of the reality that we live in, it isn't all puppies and rainbows and there are real life monsters that live and breath among us, but that doesn't mean that life isn't wonderful.

 I realized the other day that we don't appreciate life and the many experiences that come with it. We stay glued to our wants, not our needs our WANTS such as the new Iphone or latest fashion we "need" we're humans, we get caught up in ourselves because we are humans, we have flaws.

We seem to think only about ourselves a lot lately, never helping others or thinking about how they must feel. We are becoming some sort of crumbling society. We shouldn't take even the simple things for granted, such as walking or the birds chirping even if those birds wake you up when all you want to do is sleep in. Yes you had a bad day but don't affect totally strangers. Spread a little goodness, do a jig, and stay classy San Diego.

And really there’s just no debating— it’s the “classiest” place around. | 27 Reasons San Diego Just Might Be Heaven On Earth


  1. Yes, yes, yes. It kind of sucks because as teenagers we're pretty much about, "I want this and I'm such a selfish brat." Sometimes I laugh and think that I would never act like that, but when it comes down to it, I do, at times. It utterly messes with me. Also, another little horror about growing up? It seems like time passes by quickly. I seriously feel like it was only yesterday I started freshman year, and now, BAM! It's the summer before my sophomore year. Like, what?

    xoxo Morning

    1. It does suck because it's like "I want everything!" and then you think about it and in reality your life isn't that bad. Then you start feeling like selfish noob but we're humans, we all act like this but when we act like we're the rulers of the world that's when we need to take a chill pill and get off our high horse. Time does pass really quickly! I was like twelve ten seconds ago and now I'm fifteen, like what happened.

  2. Beautiful post! I'd like to think I'm not one of those people that is sucked into the material world, but unfortunately, I am. I often think about how much I'm growing up. The scariest part for me is thinking of the future. I worry so much about what I'm doing now that when I try to think of anything else, it's like "That's never going to happen." or, "That's not for a long time yet." Sometimes it's nice to just worrying about everything and just live.

    1. Thanks! I feel the same way but once again we're humans, it's okay to feel like that once in awhile just not all the time. The future is a scary thought, we could live a amazing life or we could waste it all away. It's that simple, or is it!
