Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Song Quotes For Life

I realize that I did do a quotes posts not too long ago but I wanted to do another one involving songs. Yeah I'm that dramatic teenage girl who likes to post lyrics. I don't care.

In a world full of the word yes I'm here to screammmm oh no...  for more funny videos visit..............

One day, I want to get my friends together before school and have us all do warpaint. It'd make for a fun day ;D

She puts her makeup on like graffiti on the walls of the heartland. ~ Green Day from Last of the American Girls. Love that writing!

We Remember The Lyrics: My Chemical Romance

Hope // Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. - The Beatles / The Happy Candle Lettering / Paul McCartney #lyrics #quote

The Rolling Stones really got this right. We often sing this little ditty to our teenagers; but the truth is, I need to remember it too.

Here comes the sun little darling - original watercolour art - The Beatles - song lyrics - decor wall art - could be a sweet baby shower gift, or maybe for a 1st birthday.


  1. Ah I love songs with good lyrics. I'd have to say my favourite that I can think of is: "You're still all over me like a wine stained dress I can't wear anymore". It's not that I can relate or anything, it's just that I love the ingenuity of the language used. I love all the lyrics you've put in this post as well, and now I'm dying to know which songs they're from.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Me too. I have so many favorites it's a bit hard to just pick one but here it is, "And raise your voice every single time they try and shut your mouth." But my other favorite could be, "I gotta bulletproof heart." Such is the need for the poetic justice of song lyrics in everyday life. Plus I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to bands and all things music. Sometime's the best lyrics are not the ones you can relate to but the ones that just want to make you scream it out loud.

  2. I've probably said this before, but great music taste! My favorite lyrics of all time have to be "There's nothing wrong with me, This is how I'm supposed to be, In a land of make believe, That don't believe in me" from Green Day's "Jesus of Suburbia".

    1. Thanks! I love that one, makes me kinda just want to spray paint it on a bridge for all to see!

  3. FOBBBBBBBB sorry but love love Sugar We're Goin Down ♥

    O | Life as a Young Lady

    1. FOB for life! I could never not listen to "I don't care"!
