Thursday, June 11, 2015

Postive All Day Every Day

Everybody has a week that turns out...... not good but you have to look on the bright side, at least you're not dead! If you're having a rough week here's some quotes to keep you going! I know a lot of them are cheesy, such as the ones that say "don't give up." plus it seems stupid to post these because I'm procrastinator and a loser when it comes to trying, but I'm trying to work on that. Anyway here you go!


...for all your life !!!

over thinking!!!

Live your #dreams and take risks. #Life is happening now. #success (scheduled via

Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they're behind you for a reason. #Life #Quotes #True

Aw, I love positive quotes about life because things can get so hard sometimes. Here’s a motivational Monday quote to get you pumped. Don’t forget to check out the other cute quotes I have up ☺ “I’m going to succeed because I’m crazy enough to think I can.”

My Mantra has always been Live for Today!

#quote #inspirational #motivational Everything happens for a reason.

Confidence is not "they will like me." Confidence is "I'll be find if they don't."

Support of good friends makes the worrying deminish. Proud of progress. Celebrate wins.

Don't sit back and wait to follow your dreams, take the first step today!

There are plenty of people out there that tell can't do it. You can't reach your dreams! Just be like everyone else! Well, its because they are Jealous of you because they can't reach them themselves!

i am thankful for all those difficult people in my life. they have shown me exactly who i do not want to be.

Imagine being ultra successful, I did and it worked for me

thoughts for life. believe in yourself. breathe and believe.

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. #quotes

So True...doubt gets in the way of evening pursuing a dreamy times...and even for those that start it will crush a dream in the middle of the pursuit when things get tough. Whatever your dream pursue it and push through it.


  1. That C.S. Lewis quote though... <3

    xoxo Morning

  2. Sometimes cheesy quotes are the best quotes, and these quotes sure do have so much truth in them. I guess the message is to enjoy life and live for yourself - never let anyone else's opinion bring you down. It's easier said than done.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. I agree, now that I think about it cheesy is simple yet heartfelt.

  3. Thanks for the inspiration! Sometimes it doesn't need to be a deep, thoughtful thing. The simplest sayings tend to have the most effect anyway. :)

    1. Yes, sometimes it doesn't have to be poetic, just simple.
