Friday, March 27, 2015

Things To Do When You're Having A Bad Day

We all have bad days, it's just a part of life but you can help yourself when you're having a bad day and I'm going to tell you how.

1: Blast the music up to the highest level!
 Put something happy on to get your mood level up! Here's a couple of my favorite songs to play when I'm feeling blue!

Fall Out Boy Sugar Were Going Down
My Chemical Romance Dead

                                                        Demi Lovato Really Don't Care

I know this sounds stupid but cleaning your room or closet out makes you feel calmer and happy because it just looks better.

Take a bath!
Throw some bubbles in there and relax!

Read a book (a good one)!
I recommend Cinder by Marissa Meyer!
Belongs to google

Draw, anything and everything it doesn't matter just let those creative juices flow!


  1. Ahaha. Cleaning. That's a new one. I think I'll try that next time. At least I'll have gotten something done. And Cinder is an amazing book! I recommend it too, along with the song Really Don't Care ;)

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Same here sister! I usually don't like poppy songs but Demi Lovato is my girl!
