Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I'm Not Freaking Out About Camp NaNoWriMo

Camp NaNoWriMo starts in one day and I'm actually excited about it! Am I scared? No! (Yes!)  I'm reaching for 50,000 words so I'll have to write about 1,666 each day but that's really not a lot when you think about it. Here's the plot!

Spencer Pierce is your typical 17 year old girl. Brown hair and hazel eyes, she has always tried to blend into the background, never drawing attention to herself, and always the last to speak up. After three years since her parents divorced, Spencer's mom pretty much stays out late and parties with her friends, leaving reality for Spencer who has learned to deal with life herself but after burying her feelings she has developed Anxiety attacks and starts going to group therapy sessions where she deiced she's let her life go to waste and goes out on a life changing road trip with two friends she meets at the group session Wentz and Lilly who each have their own set of problems and though out the trip she goes out of her comfort zone and finds that life does have problems but it also has amazing experiences.

book throw...LOVE!!! hee hee hee (What every nerdy geek wants to do to anyone who has not read the books)


6.+Olaf's+one-liners+are+dead+on.+Every.+Time:+//"Mergulhada em oração descubro que me descabelo por tão pouco, e o infinito é logo ali."
A little warning so you don't completely try to hate me (I'm way to lovable for you to)  there's someones going to be dead at the end of the book because you know, it ain't a novel till someone dies!
Yzma always knows what to say in a time of great sorrow. | 24 Reasons Yzma And Kronk Are The Best Disney Characters Ever
This is why I don't to invited to parties.

Now the hard part is just writing the book without bringe watching episodes of Long Island Medium That's why I was thinking that I would post a weekly recap of what up with my novel during April just to keep my self going! Thought? Advice? Want to talk about cake? I'm all ears just leave it in the comments plus are you doing Camp NaNoWriMo and if so what is your goal and plot? Do tell!


  1. GOOD LUCK FOR NANO!!! I nearly joined in, but I'm kind of in a writing slump. and I knoooow, the best way to kick it would be to write for NaNo, but I figure I'll give myself a little more time off and aim for a May book. XD Your book sounds really awesome though and it's definitely the kind of book I would pick up off the shelf!

    1. Thanks! As for the writing slump, turn up the music and it'll get the creative juices flowing! I seriously can't wait to write it but knowing me I'll probably make a million changes before finishing it!

  2. Ooh, did someone say cake? I would love to see updates about your Camp NaNo novel. Sounds like it's going to have a gripping plot. As to a character dying-- I already have FEELS! Can't wait to read it!
    Best of luck!
    --Rebecca at The Silver Flute

  3. 'It ain't a novel till someone dies!' Or has been dead! Hahaha, dead relatives and friends prior to the story is very, very popular. I've wanted to do NaNoWriMo for so long but I have just been so busy these past years that I don't think I'll be able to! Maybe in 2016, we'll see <3

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'
