Friday, March 27, 2015

Quotes To Get You Ready For Life

We all get down on ourselves about life and we don't take chance in life. I'm incredibly bad at taking chances instead of enjoying the hustle and bustle of life. 

I stick to my comfort zone and never really realizing that I could be having the time of my life instead of staying where I know it's safe.

 I need to get out of that zone or else life is going to fly right past me and I'm going to be going "I should have done more in life" so that's why I've deiced that I can't do this my entire life I'm going to take more chances and do more!

J'aime ça parce qu'il m'inspire. 

                                                Life Has No Remote, Get Up And Change It Yourself?ref=pinp nn Life has no remote, Get up and change it yourself. We live in a dog-eat-dog world. Everyone’s doing what they can to stay afloat. As NSA whistleblower and gestapo ”traitor” Edward Snowden has shown us, though, somewhere along the line, any of us could find ourselves...
Quotes on Pinterest - mottos, fun sayings and other life advice
Whatever you decide to do  Make sure it makes you happy
The Only Limits In Life Are The Ones You Make Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter
tumblr mwmz6nrHEK1qkegsbo1 500 40 Awesome Motivational & Inspiring Quotes on Posters & Pictures

What I Am Pinning…Right Now (via )

toxic people quotes | ... spreading lies talk behind back talking behind back toxic people
Robin Williams, may he rest in peace. He was such a wonderful actor and someone who has gone too soon!


  1. I love quotes, and I love these! My favourite would have to be "The best way to predict your future is to create it." or "The only limits in life are the ones you make." because I'm all for taking control of your own life and knowing that you can literally do anything.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. I know some of them are a bit cheesy but I really do believe in everything they say! By the way lovely blog and I'll be sure to follow it!
