Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I'm Not Freaking Out About Camp NaNoWriMo

Camp NaNoWriMo starts in one day and I'm actually excited about it! Am I scared? No! (Yes!)  I'm reaching for 50,000 words so I'll have to write about 1,666 each day but that's really not a lot when you think about it. Here's the plot!

Spencer Pierce is your typical 17 year old girl. Brown hair and hazel eyes, she has always tried to blend into the background, never drawing attention to herself, and always the last to speak up. After three years since her parents divorced, Spencer's mom pretty much stays out late and parties with her friends, leaving reality for Spencer who has learned to deal with life herself but after burying her feelings she has developed Anxiety attacks and starts going to group therapy sessions where she deiced she's let her life go to waste and goes out on a life changing road trip with two friends she meets at the group session Wentz and Lilly who each have their own set of problems and though out the trip she goes out of her comfort zone and finds that life does have problems but it also has amazing experiences.

book throw...LOVE!!! hee hee hee (What every nerdy geek wants to do to anyone who has not read the books)


6.+Olaf's+one-liners+are+dead+on.+Every.+Time:+//"Mergulhada em oração descubro que me descabelo por tão pouco, e o infinito é logo ali."
A little warning so you don't completely try to hate me (I'm way to lovable for you to)  there's someones going to be dead at the end of the book because you know, it ain't a novel till someone dies!
Yzma always knows what to say in a time of great sorrow. | 24 Reasons Yzma And Kronk Are The Best Disney Characters Ever
This is why I don't to invited to parties.

Now the hard part is just writing the book without bringe watching episodes of Long Island Medium That's why I was thinking that I would post a weekly recap of what up with my novel during April just to keep my self going! Thought? Advice? Want to talk about cake? I'm all ears just leave it in the comments plus are you doing Camp NaNoWriMo and if so what is your goal and plot? Do tell!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Past Present And Future

I realize I've been talking about the future lately, I don't if it's because I'm freaked out about turning fifteen in 10 days or because I just really like to worry about things that I don't need to. Probably both. Anyway I was thinking about it last night when I couldn't fall asleep because that's what I do when I'm too stressed out about things I have no control over I stress out about other stuff I don't need to stress out about. ANYWAY where was I? Oh okay. I realized I'm too timid about life.

 I don't enjoy the craziness and chances that come along, instead I look away and hide so I don't have to go out of my way and take chances so I don't do something embarrassing or because I'm too scared of trying something in fear of failing or because I'm afraid or people judging me, which is completely stupid because most people are too concerned of being judged then judging others.

 I don't want to be ninety years old, dying and going "I wish I had done more in my life!" No. I know older people like that who didn't take chances in life and now they're negative and selfish, always blaming someone else or life because of their mistakes and never giving change a chance! I can't be like that.

 Yes I will always be that worrier who fears that most obscure things but I'm going to be the worrier who goes out of her shell and faces life with a fresh attitude and seek out chances so life doesn't pass me by. 

If you go on pages on my blog you'll see my bucket list but here it is anyway. I do realize that I won't get some of these (Like become famous)  by the time I'm 16 but I will keep adding things on it! So here it is!
1: Dye my hair a weird color.
2: Volunteer at a children's hospital.
3: Become famous.
4: Get a dog.
5: Go to a VIP 5 Seconds Of Summer concert.
6: Get a psychic reading.
7: Travel the world.
8: Live a healthy life.
9: Get a tattoo.
10: Write a book.
11: Go zip lining.
12: Learn to skateboard.
13: Try new things.
14: Build my dream house.
15: Mail a secret.
16: Learn to sing.
17: Be in a protest.
18: Get a really funky haircut.
19: Learn to play a instrument.
20:Learn to surf.
21: Travel to a random destination at the last second.
22: Attend a music festival.
23:Lean archery.
24:Go to Disneyland
25:Learn to ride a motorcycle. 

best and worst things about living in NYC

Friday, March 27, 2015

Quotes To Get You Ready For Life

We all get down on ourselves about life and we don't take chance in life. I'm incredibly bad at taking chances instead of enjoying the hustle and bustle of life. 

I stick to my comfort zone and never really realizing that I could be having the time of my life instead of staying where I know it's safe.

 I need to get out of that zone or else life is going to fly right past me and I'm going to be going "I should have done more in life" so that's why I've deiced that I can't do this my entire life I'm going to take more chances and do more!

J'aime ça parce qu'il m'inspire. 

                                                Life Has No Remote, Get Up And Change It Yourself?ref=pinp nn Life has no remote, Get up and change it yourself. We live in a dog-eat-dog world. Everyone’s doing what they can to stay afloat. As NSA whistleblower and gestapo ”traitor” Edward Snowden has shown us, though, somewhere along the line, any of us could find ourselves...
Quotes on Pinterest - mottos, fun sayings and other life advice
Whatever you decide to do  Make sure it makes you happy
The Only Limits In Life Are The Ones You Make Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter
tumblr mwmz6nrHEK1qkegsbo1 500 40 Awesome Motivational & Inspiring Quotes on Posters & Pictures

What I Am Pinning…Right Now (via Bloglovin.com )

toxic people quotes | ... spreading lies talk behind back talking behind back toxic people
Robin Williams, may he rest in peace. He was such a wonderful actor and someone who has gone too soon!

Things To Do When You're Having A Bad Day

We all have bad days, it's just a part of life but you can help yourself when you're having a bad day and I'm going to tell you how.

1: Blast the music up to the highest level!
 Put something happy on to get your mood level up! Here's a couple of my favorite songs to play when I'm feeling blue!

Fall Out Boy Sugar Were Going Down
My Chemical Romance Dead

                                                        Demi Lovato Really Don't Care

I know this sounds stupid but cleaning your room or closet out makes you feel calmer and happy because it just looks better.

Take a bath!
Throw some bubbles in there and relax!

Read a book (a good one)!
I recommend Cinder by Marissa Meyer!
Belongs to google

Draw, anything and everything it doesn't matter just let those creative juices flow!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Top London Prints

As many of you probably have guessed I love Etsy, I mean there's tons of awesome weird stuff to buy (to be bad I'm usually broke!) But I really like the freaky art stuff like the fantastic watercolor posters you find with lyrics of quotes on the canvas and that's just..... mind blowing how they can make that stuff. Anyway I found a really cool shop I thought I would show you!

Top London Prints.
This shop is so cool I mean look at some of their stuff! 

Our vintage prints are a very unique and fun way to add something new and different to your home. These are perfect birthday, wedding and holiday gifts for all people and children. 

They ship all over the globe and it's all printed on high quality paper. 

They usually range from 10.00 dollars which for Etsy isn't really expensive.
All belongs to Top London Prints

Girl Hanging on Balloon Art Poster, Gift for Girlfriend, Kids Bedroom Decorations, Children's Room Art, Unique Vintage Print, Gift for Girl

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Guest Posts And All That

I was wondering if anyone wanted to do guest posts? I'll be busy for the next couple of weeks so I need someone to fill in and I'll put your button on my blog! Just comment below to tell me you want to post! I'll be happy to give a review to anything like books, make up, or a shop such as Etsy if anyone wants me to do something like that!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Some Of Those Negative People

It's been brought to my attention that I've met negative people. 

First let me go back. I've met a few toxic people in my life, and I used to think maybe it was me that was the problem but then I grew up. They were mean and manipulative and I just got tired of it so I stopped being with them.

 Anyway this nameless person has been trying to push my buttons and make me negative and I thought to myself "What makes someone this awful to people?" I mean I used to be a bit cynical but I'm human we all are at times plus I've got it under control. 

But what does make people this way, I hope I never become like that. 

So if any of you are surrounded by negative people then go far away from that atmosphere.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Short Hair Really Don't Care

I thought I would try one of those beauty post so here it goes! A few weeks ago I cut my hair into a pixie cut, I actually grew my hair out so it wasn't super long but it was about a medium bob because all my life I've always had super short hair and I wanted to try something different. 

Yeah I'm not a long hair person.

 I'm mean it looks great on a lot of people, unfortunately I'm not one of those people, but like I was saying I cut it into a pixie cut and I'm so happy that I did! I no longer have to deal with head bands, WINDY days, and trying to dry it. But if you were thinking of getting pixie cut I say go for it! 

Their super easy to take care of and there's all sorts of styles to choose from, but make sure you have one hat flatter your face and doesn't look like a bowl was put over your head! Basically all you have to do is put some hairspray and your done!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Okay Care About Your Looks

If you look around in any room you see girls with a make up, jewelry, and dressed to impress the queen. 

Why do we try so hard to impress people by the way we look? Is it wrong that we like to dress up for no reason? What's the point? The answer to all of this is we like to dress up because we want to, not because we want to IMPRESS some one.

 It's for ourselves, it makes us feel more confident and maybe even empowered and professional and what's wrong with wearing a little make up? Nothing at all and just because you do isn't because you don't like what you look like but because you want to enhance you beauty.

 I also think that if you want to wear only t-shirt,shorts, and shoes then that's fine.

 Be what you want to be no matter what.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Little Bit Of A Update

I still don't have anything to write so I thought I would tell you what's up, and possibly ask for advice!
 So number one on the list!

I'm designing a comic book!
I've never done this before and plus I'm not the next Stan Lee so if there's anyone out there how has any advice PLEASE to tell me!

I'm joining Camp NaNoWirMo

I just have to come up with a plot!

Finally I'm still looking for guest posters!
If you want to write a post for me I'll also put your button on my blog!
Also I was wondering if you guys wanted me to post my writing on here? Like from my novel and such!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I'm Running Out Of Time

I'm freaking out! Sorry to alarm you but I have no inspiration for my blog which is part of the reason I haven't blogged in like a week and a half but I don't know what to write! So that's why I'm asking for your help leave ideas in the comment section or if you want to be a guest poster! Please I'm dying of lack of ideas!

The Best Places To Buy Band T-shirts

I'm sure you've all realized that my wardrobe contains about 99% band t-shirt, even as I write this I'm wearing one! And if there's one thing I actually know what to do, it's where to buy them! So I thought I would show you all the best places to buy band t- shirts!

Hot Topic.
Probably one of the best known brands for everything Pop Culture and music related.They carry a HUGE list of bands including My Chemical Romance ( If you're like me and still wear their merchandise while mourning their break up AFTER MANY YEARS! Yes there's a lot of emotions over here.) Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Peirce The Veil, Nirvana Panic! At The Disco, All Time Low, and much more!

Thrift Shops.
It may take some time to find a really good one that you love but thrift shops are a great place to find them because they are often look vintage. Plus their super cheap!

 And finally T-Shirt Subway
This is a great site to find band t-shirts because they carry so many bands and artist, it's stocked to the brim, and they have really good deals!