Monday, June 29, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lyrics Of The Day

last hope paramore lyrics. It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.

Series Of Disasters Called Life

Do you ever feel happy and kinda like "Ha Ha life can wait I'm going to live in the moment." then you're like, "Dear Lord I need to apply for colleges because this is never going to get me anywhere and why do I even want to do this it's not like I'm fantastic at it." at some times?

An animated taste of the worst #gymfails.                      When you turn up your treadmill speed to high and you have to jump off. Or fall off.

Yeah that's me right about now. I just want to be care free and laugh like a maniac over everything but then I over think everything and so I'm just basically huddled in the fetal position eating a piece of cake.

Maximus from Tangled | 28 Fantastically Adorable Disney Creatures That We Wish Were Real


I'm good a lots of things, writing, sports, saying terrible jokes and laughing at myself which then makes other people laugh but I really like music, I don't know if I just love it because I love listening to it but I do love it. Which is a awful career option because I have no rhythm. None at all. I don't even know why I'm still hung up on the idea of making it a valid career option I mean can you teach yourself rhythm?

"Disney GIF of Emperor Kuzco, what your 20's look like through Disney."

Why can't I just pursers a different field in music such as being a writer for like the Rolling Stone, why do I want to just play in a band even though I can't even play a instrument?

If you have any advice I will listen to it!

Lyrics Of The Day

Panic! At The Disco, Hallelujah  (lock-screens on tumblr)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Reviews Infomation Needed

Hey! So I wanted to do something a little different form me usual weird off topic post. I've seen so many viewers do review posts so I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions for products or shops? If so just leave them in the comments. It can be from Etsy or anything really.

Lyrics Of The Day

before it gets better; the darkness gets bigger; the person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger

Friday, June 19, 2015

All Things Music

I saw this really cool called, 25 Songs, 25 Days and wanted to do it!

Day 1: A song from your childhood.

Well this is taking a trip down memory lane! I remember listing to this song as a kid, my family is really into all the songs from the oldie's station so I remember always hearing this song on the radio and I still love hearing it, in fact I love listening to all those "old" bands and musicians.

American Pie Don McLean

I saw all the positive feedback from my lyrics post that I was thinking of doing like a "Song lyrics a day" post, let me know what you think!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Song Quotes For Life

I realize that I did do a quotes posts not too long ago but I wanted to do another one involving songs. Yeah I'm that dramatic teenage girl who likes to post lyrics. I don't care.

In a world full of the word yes I'm here to screammmm oh no...  for more funny videos visit..............

One day, I want to get my friends together before school and have us all do warpaint. It'd make for a fun day ;D

She puts her makeup on like graffiti on the walls of the heartland. ~ Green Day from Last of the American Girls. Love that writing!

We Remember The Lyrics: My Chemical Romance

Hope // Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. - The Beatles / The Happy Candle Lettering / Paul McCartney #lyrics #quote

The Rolling Stones really got this right. We often sing this little ditty to our teenagers; but the truth is, I need to remember it too.

Here comes the sun little darling - original watercolour art - The Beatles - song lyrics - decor wall art - could be a sweet baby shower gift, or maybe for a 1st birthday.

Let Me Know

Lately I've been thinking of what sort of posts ideas I should do for my blog and I've learned that I have absolutely zero. So I want you guys to tell me what you want to see and I promise that I will do each and every one of them. Send me a quick suggestion in the contact form on the right.

Someday i'll climb ontop of my house find the perfect cloud, yell for my sister to come ontop of the rooftop scared to death and make her take the picture of me holding an icecream cone in the air!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Postive All Day Every Day

Everybody has a week that turns out...... not good but you have to look on the bright side, at least you're not dead! If you're having a rough week here's some quotes to keep you going! I know a lot of them are cheesy, such as the ones that say "don't give up." plus it seems stupid to post these because I'm procrastinator and a loser when it comes to trying, but I'm trying to work on that. Anyway here you go!


...for all your life !!!

over thinking!!!

Live your #dreams and take risks. #Life is happening now. #success (scheduled via

Don't worry about those who talk behind your back, they're behind you for a reason. #Life #Quotes #True

Aw, I love positive quotes about life because things can get so hard sometimes. Here’s a motivational Monday quote to get you pumped. Don’t forget to check out the other cute quotes I have up ☺ “I’m going to succeed because I’m crazy enough to think I can.”

My Mantra has always been Live for Today!

#quote #inspirational #motivational Everything happens for a reason.

Confidence is not "they will like me." Confidence is "I'll be find if they don't."

Support of good friends makes the worrying deminish. Proud of progress. Celebrate wins.

Don't sit back and wait to follow your dreams, take the first step today!

There are plenty of people out there that tell can't do it. You can't reach your dreams! Just be like everyone else! Well, its because they are Jealous of you because they can't reach them themselves!

i am thankful for all those difficult people in my life. they have shown me exactly who i do not want to be.

Imagine being ultra successful, I did and it worked for me

thoughts for life. believe in yourself. breathe and believe.

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. #quotes

So True...doubt gets in the way of evening pursuing a dreamy times...and even for those that start it will crush a dream in the middle of the pursuit when things get tough. Whatever your dream pursue it and push through it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What's Right With America

I would describe myself very patriotic, I love my country and we always hear on the news how there's so many things wrong with America, I'm going to tell you what's right with America.

1: We have some pretty impressive wins: One Word, Revolution. That's right we pulled our britches up and won our freedom! Without that win we wouldn't have this beautiful country and the many freedom.
Because you know in the end this will be you. | 23 Signs You're Totally A Disney Villain
2: We are inventors: Thomas           Jefferson, Bill Gates, Walt Disney (he gave us Mickey Mouse, I have to have him on the list.) We are like the nerds of the past!

3: Nature: Look at Hawaii and how amazing it looks, it's like a painting that just threw up all over the land! We have the Grand Canyon and The Rocky Mountains plus so much more! We are just gushing with gorgeousness! Then again I don't like the sun, or trees, or the outside where civilization is.

not even sure why i laughed. but i did. and now you must see.
4: You got to fight for your right: Civil rights movement and Women's rights are just a few of the many movements that have won and then there are the visionary leaders such as Lincoln and King were the soul and body of the passion that fueled the movements.

5: Our brave women and men in uniform: They risk their lives to preserve our freedom and protect our country. They will fight for what they believe in. It's just a amazing thing when you think about it.

6: Our musical talent: Elvis, KISS, Nirvana! Rock and Roll, Jazz, and Punk! We got the world on a string! We have Dave Grohl, I mean can anyone else say that.
This is how you dance when “Carry On Wayward Son” comes on | How You Know You're A "Supernatural" Fan

7: Our talented writers: From Mark Twain to Harper Lee to Walt Whitman we have created books that will be read for future generations to spread ideas and imagination!

17 Signs You're an English Major | Her Campus

8: Cities: The Big Apple, The Windy City, and Hollyweird. We have so many memorable cities that you can just tell what those nicknames mean!

9: Our tragic but amazing path: From the rough Pioneer days to the Great Depression, America has taken a toil but it was shaped from it and hopeful it was made stronger from all of it.

10: American: The label "American" does get thrown around when you see a weirdo walking though Wal-Mart or some fat guy who acts like a hillbilly and is rather rude but American means fearless,determined, and brave. Deal with it!

Who else cheers USA when this guy does? Also look at that fat lady. Oh my gosh, I can't stop laughing. Holy crap, 50+ repins?! :3

The Horror Of Growing Up

As humans we grow and reach new milestones, from crawling to learning to drive and we greet those important dates with the same feelings of excitement and accomplishment but there is a another feeling when these events do finally come. The emotion is sadness. Why sadness? We realize that we are growing, aging and losing that innocent of youth that we are born with. We all have to wake up and smell the roses of the reality that we live in, it isn't all puppies and rainbows and there are real life monsters that live and breath among us, but that doesn't mean that life isn't wonderful.

 I realized the other day that we don't appreciate life and the many experiences that come with it. We stay glued to our wants, not our needs our WANTS such as the new Iphone or latest fashion we "need" we're humans, we get caught up in ourselves because we are humans, we have flaws.

We seem to think only about ourselves a lot lately, never helping others or thinking about how they must feel. We are becoming some sort of crumbling society. We shouldn't take even the simple things for granted, such as walking or the birds chirping even if those birds wake you up when all you want to do is sleep in. Yes you had a bad day but don't affect totally strangers. Spread a little goodness, do a jig, and stay classy San Diego.

And really there’s just no debating— it’s the “classiest” place around. | 27 Reasons San Diego Just Might Be Heaven On Earth

Friday, June 5, 2015

My Summer Bucket List Tag

Hello! I'm probably way too late for this but I'm taking up the summer bucket list tag, which I stole from MorningTime4. Here we go!
1:  Act in a local theater: Any part really, I mean I'd be willing to play the part as a tree but acting is something I've been wanting to do but I used to be super shy. Let's change that shall we! (Note to self pick up monologue books at library.) 

25 Pearls Of Wisdom From Rebel Wilson
2: Ride a roller coaster: I swear I have the worlds weakest stomach when it comes to anything with high speeds and steep drops but I think everyone needs to ride at least one roller coaster before they die. I could probably die in some freak alligator/dingo wrestling accident tomorrow. (Props if you got that.)

                                     haha. Pitch Perfect  Rebel Wilson is so good!

3: Bike and walk a lot more: They just put in a sidewalk next to my house (This has been another boring news  brought to you by me) so now I can walk and bike to the Library or the QuickTrip so I can buy I Icee to replace all those calories I just burned.

4: Write: I'm writing a whole novel this summer so I need to get my butt into gear and start working on it!

5: Get super fit: I really want to make the STL rowing team so I need to cut back on the crap and get started at the gym. (Whoo fitness!) 

                                        #whatshouldwecallme | How I feel about my friends and family "I would do anything for you guys...except for running, jogging, or climbing stairs."

6:Perfect an instrument: I'm extremely lazy, haven't you noticed? So I want to learn to play in instrument and actually be good at it. (I will be the most talented person you will ever know!)
                                           fat amy.... Those aren't rightfully quoted its: I'm also good at modern dance, oldern dance, and mermaid dancing....
7: Go to a blockbuster: I like going to movie theaters but I don't go very often so I would like to go and see something.

8: Go to at least one concert: Music! Food! Yelling! Who doesn't love concerts, you have all three of my favorite things! Fall Out Boy (Pete Wentz!) and Foo Fighters are coming which are the two major concerts I'm dying to go see and I would be so happy just to go to one of them! I just need to work on my rhythm.
                                       I got CRUSHED IT!! How Fat Amy Are You?

9: Do a summer photography challenge: I love photography, but I would like to improve my current skill level so what better why then to do it challenge style!

10: Redecorate my bedroom: It's time my bedroom changed around, so I'll DIY it!

11: Go to a Comic-Con: Yep I'm a nerd, My library (Which is a fairly large one) has a Comic-Con so I'm going to it! I'm just going to go as grungy teenage girl.

12: Read 50 books: I used to read all time, but I haven't recently so I plan to get back on track.

13: Doodle: I love to draw and do all kinds of artsy stuff so I'm going to doodle all summer and see how it goes.

I nominate