Friday, February 20, 2015

This Scary Thing Called Life

It had been brought to my attention that my life is half over. 

That's a really scary way to start a post, but seriously I'm going to be fifteen in April and I've realized that I've done nothing in my life! I feel so pathetic, I don't where the time went I was just eight the other day and now I can legally get my driving permit, so that's why I've deiced that this year is going to be awesome! I'm going to get as much as I can crossed off of my bucket list.

 P.S I know I promised daily post and I'm super sorry but this week has been crazy busy and I've been tweaking the schedule so I promise starting Monday there'll be a post everyday no matter what! 

Hello, I love you | via Tumblr


  1. Woah, that's deep. I know what you mean, though-- I went through the same thing when I turned fifteen. Just live each day to the fullest, and do what makes you happy!
    Look forward to the posts!
    --Rebecca at
    The Silver Flute

    1. Thank heavens that I'm not the only one! Wise advice and I'll make sure to follow it!

  2. I know!! I just turned 15 a few months ago, but then I realised I've done a lot and I'm still growing up. I'm aiming to get most of my stuff done in my 20s I'm hoping. For now, I've got to focus on not stuffing my future up. But still, have fun with your bucketlist!! I love bucketlists, although I usually regret putting some things on there.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. It's incredibly nice to know that there's similar girls going though this too! I thought I was dramatic!
