Monday, December 8, 2014

Be Yourself And Like It

When I was younger and by younger I mean a month ago, I realized I wouldn't be the popular girl who's friends with tons of girls and knows everyone,I wouldn't be the artsy fartsy girl with the dream like smile,I wouldn't be the rebel who doesn't care about what people think about her, I wouldn't be the bookworm who gets A's on all of her test, and I wouldn't be the girl who everyone instantly likes. I'm me and I'm a immature smart mouth.

I'm the girl who likes music more then the average person, Who would love to be a vegan but loves red meat too much, Who sequels over "emo" bands when nobodies around,Who would love to be punk rock but writes poetry,Who loves the color black and dislikes society, Who loves the movie Anchorman and laughs every time no matter what. I want all of you to love yourselves and don't worry if you don't love what you see in the mirror every time you look nobody does, even the ones you think have it all don't like themselves. 

All you need to do is don't worry you'll be fine be happy about yourself and be who you are no matter!


1 comment:

  1. This was a lovely little post <3 Nobody is those girls you listed in the first paragraph because they're all so stereotypical. You're right that we should just be happy with whatever we are, whoever we are.

    The Life of Little Me
