Sunday, October 5, 2014

Old Work Boots

Here's my entry of 
Morningtime4's writing contest!

These old work boots.
With their muddy rubber soiled from years of working.
From years of running.
And from years of wandering those worn paths riddled with rain puddles and pebbles .
Worn and broken.
Cracked and soiled.
Years and memories in those boots.
The stories they could tell if only they could speak.
Working from dusk to dawn.
Tucked in with a pair of socks.
Waist high in that pond.
No longer cleaned at night since he knew they would just get dirty again tomorrow.


  1. This is a beautiful piece of work! You are so talented at writing!:)
    Do keep posting your writing works:) I wish you luck for the competition <3
    The Journeys' of My Beating Heart

  2. Excellent, Chloee! You are an amazing writer and your writing has really taken shape over the past year. Also, great subject-- any poem that mentions boots is wonderful in my eyes. :)
    We need to chat soon, Chloee. It's been too long!
    --Rebecca at The Silver Flute
